As efforts continue to combat misinformation targeting 5G technology, fake news purveyors have remained unrelenting in their quest to confuse the public. Notwithstanding clarifications by the Nigerian government regulator in the telecoms sector, the Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) and detailed fact checks by reputable media and civic organisations, including the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), which have all clearly shown no link between 5G technology and the Corona Virus pandemic, fake news peddlers have remained obstinate in spreading misinformation.
The latest fake news material circulating is a false advisory from the an apparently fictitious organization named the “Society of Harmful Electromagnetic Rays.” The fake advisory titled, “what you can do to protect yourself from 5G,” among others tells its readers to “turn of electromagnetic devices.” The fake advisory gives other laughable tips including keeping “four negative magnets in your pockets,” and rubbing honey on the skin and hair because “honey is proven to repel waves.”
Although the authors of the fake advisory have tried to be clever by half by deploying certain meaningless technical jargons, their fake letter head, which has only a hurriedly designed logo, but has no address or phone contact, as well some other comic suggestions give them away. Fact checks by The Explainer Fake News Police show no trace of such an organization, just as fact checks of its claims returned a verdict of absolute falsehood.
Do not spread fake news; verify content before sharing.