Rotary and Rotaract Clubs in Kaduna recently organized a campaign tour to educate the community about the importance of proper polio vaccination.
The event aimed to provide information about the disease and the safety and efficacy of the polio vaccine. Rotarian Victoria Adejo, the polio state representative, emphasized that creating awareness is crucial in eradicating polio.
“Information is key in eradication of polio, hence the need for proper creation of awareness, and this is the reason why the Rotary Clubs and other partners are embarked on this campaign tour in order to create awareness on why parents must ensure that their children under five are duly vaccinated,” Adejo explained.
The campaign’s theme, “A Chance for Reflection and a Reminder to Reach Every Last Child,” aimed to eliminate polio entirely. According to Polio field coordinator Grace Sadiku and Rotarian Adeyemi Adekunle, President of Presidents of all Rotary clubs in Kaduna, vaccination is the best protection against polio. “Polio vaccination has been part of the routine childhood immunization schedule in the United States for decades. It’s still part of the routine childhood immunization schedule,” they stated.
The Explainer learned, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that children receive four doses of polio vaccine as part of their routine childhood vaccination schedule.
The CDC also notes that polio vaccination has been instrumental in eliminating wild poliovirus in the United States.
By getting vaccinated, individuals can protect themselves against severe polio disease, including paralysis, and help prevent the spread of the disease.