Amidst a backdrop of intense economic challenges affecting nearly 70 percent of Nigerians, the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has announced its intent to file a lawsuit against Senate President Godswill Akpabio. The legal action stems from the controversy surrounding the disbursement of “holiday allowances” to senators by the Clerk of the National Assembly.
In a succinct statement released via its official channel, SERAP revealed its decision to initiate legal proceedings against the Senate President. The move follows Akpabio’s announcement during a recent plenary session, which sparked a nationwide debate regarding the appropriateness and timing of these monetary disbursements.
“We are taking legal action against Senate President Godswill Akpabio in response to allegations of ‘holiday allowances’ being deposited into various accounts of senators by the Clerk of the National Assembly. This comes as 137 million impoverished Nigerians grapple with severe economic hardships,” declared SERAP.
While specific details of the lawsuit, including the petitioners and charges, remain undisclosed, the action underscores the mounting tension surrounding the handling of public funds, particularly in the current economic climate.
As the nation awaits further developments, the absence of an official statement from the Senate President regarding the allegations and impending legal action has sparked widespread anticipation.
With voices across the country demanding transparency, accountability, and responsible utilization of public funds during these trying times, the situation continues to draw heightened scrutiny.