A video has been online and in the social media, supposedly showcasing a recent incident of police assault in Emouha, Rivers State. However, after taking the video a fact-check, it reveals that the video is not recent, and the issue had already been addressed and resolved by the police through a press statement. Although the claim suggests the video captures a fresh incident of police assault in Emouha, the fact-check confirms that the video was previously acknowledged, and appropriate actions were taken against the officers involved.
Upon in-depth investigation, The Explainer fact checker uncovered a police press statement dated April 18, 2023, with reference number CZ.5300/FPRD/FHQ/ABJ/VOL.5/52. This statement acknowledged the incident shown in the video and detailed the actions taken following complaints and an orderly room trial. Inspector Adejoh Siaka, one of the officers involved, was demoted from Inspector to Sergeant as a consequence of the incident. Additionally, Sergeant Ndiwa Kpuebari faced severe reprimand for their role in the assault, while Inspector Friday Obaka, who was absent from the scene, was unconditionally discharged.
Based on the results of the fact-checking investigation, it is clear that the viral video presenting the Emouha assault incident as recent isfalse and misleading. As the incident in the video had previously been addressed and resolved by the police, as affirmed in their April 2023 press statement and the police officers involved in the matter have been appropriately sanctioned.