A video circulating on Facebook and WhatsApp, claiming a pipeline leak in Aboru village, Lagos state, has caught the attention of fact-checkers at the Explainer. The video, captioned “Urgent Attention Needed: Aboru Village Pipeline Leak,” has been making rounds since July 25th. In the video, a male voice speaking Yoruba reports a petrol leak from a pipeline in Aboru, Agbado Oke local government area, appealing for swift action and sharing of the video. To verify the claim’s accuracy, Explainer Fact Checkers conducted an InVid keyframe search, the result shows that the video is an old video which was first posted online in July 2020. The incident occurred near the Atlas Cove-Mosimi on the System 2B pipeline, which has not been operational in 2023 and now contains only water.
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Further investigation by the Explainer revealed that NNPC has since debunked the video as false and misleading in a statement posted on their Twitter handle. A statement by Garba Deen Muhammad, Chief Corporate Communications Officer at NNPC Ltd, clarified that the video is indeed three years old and should be entirely disregarded. Again, upon discovering the video, NNPC’s pipeline team promptly responded but on reaching the location they found that it was a false alarm with no evidence of such incident. The public is advice to disregard the video in its entirety.